Things to keep in mind when booking your visit:

– When booking your time please ensure you pick a time that you will be home with access to a strong internet connection. 

– The time is limited to 5 minutes per family.  Please be respectful of the time limit so the Easter Bunny can get to everyone.

– Try and pick a location for the call with minimal noise so you can hear the Easter Bunny well and he can hear you!

– Make sure the microphone is turned on (not on mute) and your volume is turned up loud!

– Have a question or two ready for the Easter Bunny, he loves to know what is on your mind!

– When booking your time slot, we ask for some information about your family. This is to make sure the Easter Bunny has loads to talk about.  Be sure to fill out all the fields with as much information as possible

– If you are unable to make your time slot for any reason we cannot guarantee a make up slot.

– The link sent to you for your call is unique to you, please do not share it as we cannot guarantee it will work with more than one user.

Questions?  Email us at ljackman@metroland.com